Tuesday, March 11, 2014


It's been a while since I've fallen down the rabbit hole

And by that I mean I have missed the last Toronto Comic Con in March and the last Fan Expo in August. So armed with my new video cam and my new iPod Touch and a back pack soon to be filled with graphic novels, away I scurry down the nerd rabbit hole

Not much has changed in my absence, thousands of comics, hundreds of collectables, dozens of promotions and superheroes and Daleks and cosplayers, oh my!

More and more these conventions are becoming family events, especially this one, held at the beginning of the March Break. Some families travelled from as far away as Middle Earth ...

and in at least one case I think a DNA test may be in order ..

Every comic con has its share of heroes, some with nationalistic appeal ...

some with appeal for my honey ...

and some .. well .. let's just call it appeal ...

It's not all fun and games and .. er .. costumes at Comic Con though. Oh no, sometimes it is very serious down the rabbit hole. Such as when (as you'll see in the video) the three Spidermen joined up for a photo op, only to be assaulted by The Riddler .. gasp .. Marvel and DC, together! Some people actually did gasp while others broke into an ardent debate about the two universes and any instances of merging and .. Yeh. Only at Comic Con

Our heroes will always keep us safe from interdimensional conundrums

My first comic con with my Sony NX cam. I shot at 1080p/60fps, a frame too high to actually upload but good if I needed to do slo mo and just, I think, pretty kick ass quality. Still in a nice handy little package

You be the judge. And remember, if you don't approve, I will sick Lego Batman on your ass

Toronto Comic Con 2014 from Victor Kellar on Vimeo.

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