Sunday, January 19, 2014


This post is a tease .. or Version One ... or an abbreviation of another post .. or something

What this post is about is my new camera, though mostly this will be a short post featuring the first video shot on my new camera.

The camera is a Sony HVR-NX30U, one of the Sony NXCams, a small "palmcorder" similar to the HDR cam with which I have shot most of the videos on this blog, at least in the last couple of years. The NX is actually the pro version of the HVR

There are many differences between my old Sony cam and this one, I won't go into them here but I have posted a more detailed description on my film making blog Idiot With A Camera

I really love that little HDR but it is a consumer cam and not only doesn't serve professional needs, I just want more ... wow, that sounded a bit Long Island Princess didn't it

I like the video quality I can get with Collette's Nikon D7000 but it is not a true video camera in my opinion, or at least not one suited to my style of shooting. DSLRs have great lenses and huge image sensors so they can capture excellent images and achieve a wide range of shallow depth of field. They can also record in at a frame rate of 24 frames per second; people say this emulates film .. whatever, they look great. But a run n gun cam the Nikon is not and that suits me style

This little Sony has shoots at 24 fps and it has a floating lens plus image stabilization, so it should be well suited to my style of shooting. And it has a range of pro features that reminds me of my Canon XL1, a great cam in it's day but it's big and bulky and is not HD and it shoots on tape .. I barely remember what that is

At any rate, I got to take the new cam for its trial run this weekend. I took it to a locale where I've shot before, so I can make a comparative assessment of its virtues. I took the cam .. and Terra .. to the long trail that starts at G Ross Lord Park and runs up Dufferin St from Finch to Steeles.

Here would the video

G Ross Lord Park: Sony HXR-NX30U First Shoot from Victor Kellar on Vimeo.

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