Your tragedy is being packaged.
We'll let you know it's tragic. We'll create a rolling background of select images, images that we've selected, letting you know what your eyes should concentrate upon; don't worry, you require no effort, we've done this work for you.
We'll create a name key for the tragedy, just so you know what it is, and by creating this name what we've actually done is label it, so instead of just saying "The latest report on the bus crash near Ottawa" we'll call it OTTAWA BUS DISASTER ... we can't have you thinking about what may have happened here, our label will spare you that effort. Don't worry, not thinking required.
Every ad needs some music of course. Wait, did I say ad? Um, I meant news report, that's right, news report ... With a music behind it, nice dramatic music to catch your attention then tailing down to lush strings so you know you should be sad. We understand you may not know how to react to things so we'll do that work for you as well. This is a DISASTER this is a TRAGEDY so you are to feel SAD
There, isn't that easy?
We know you have a lot on your mind, other things may be happening in your life. But those things don't help us at all, we can't package those things and attract sponsorship. So we will keep this TRAGEDY foremost on your mind and we'll do that by playing our ad (and you know I really mean news story right) over and over; there may be nothing new to report on the story but market saturation is very important for a news story (you know I mean ad right)
Just sit back and stay tuned and wait for that first musical note, for the animated swirl of images as the package unfolds. Don't think about what the purpose of all this is, don't ponder upon how this is supposed to inform us or why a news story needs to hit more emotions than facts
That's our job. We'll do that for you
And don't worry about what other news may be happening. When it's worth your while, we'll let you know.
We have packages for that too
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