Monday, August 27, 2012


Another year and another journey through the interdimensional-temporal-wormhole-paradigm shifting portal know as Fan Expo. This year they've estimated that 80,000 people passed through the doors at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I usually feel that these numbers are exaggerated but I was there on Sunday, the last of the show's four doors and it was as crowded as I've ever seen it. Luckily, the Convention organizers foresaw this problem and hired the kind of security detail that could handle this problem ...

Good thing too, because there were fairly unsavory characters from Planet Lego who had wandered through the portal

Yes I know, that last character is supposed to be a "hero" but come on now .. the dude wheres a mask, his underpants over his tights and hangs out in a cave with a bunch of flying rats ... this is the dude I'm supposed to trust?

Mind you, if the angry alien hordes did invade the Expo, there were several opportunities to get the hell out of dodge, but not in a Dodge, a DeLorean ...

There are no shortage of heroes at the Fan Expo and conversely no shortage of alien/monster creepies. It's hard to distinguish the villains from the heroes, especially when they are likely to band together and begin playing video games at any given moment.

In the pics above you may have noted an interesting trend at the comic con this year: Female Thors. I noticed about four. Not entirely unusual for girls to don a male hero's costume but I don't recall seeing this number. Makes one wonder. What is the appeal of Thor for women .. in my household the appeal is a big ridiculously muscled Viking with a beard ... but I don't quite understand the appeal of a woman dressing as Thor. Maybe it's the fact he already has long hair or maybe they misinterpret his war hammer for a kitchen spoon, you know how domestic women are ..

OK for that one, I deserve a lightning bolt up my butt. Or maybe a samurai sword .. and a Predator's finger blades

Besides all the visiting heroes and monsters and anime .. (oh my!) ... many people come to Fan Expo for a different kind of visitation, namely celebrities. In this dimension the clear royalty are Stan Lee and William Shatner, with Patrick Stewart a highly place knight. For these geek dignitaries it is a pay to play kind of scenario ... autographs, pictures, Q&A .. all put or shut up.

Lower ranked nobility however often are happy to grace the peasants for free. The line up to see Gillian Anderson in a Q&A was one of the longest I saw at the convention; some 10 years after The X Files stopped producing new episodes, the series clearly still resonates with people ... as does Dr Who. The Dr's current incarnation, John Barrowman, received cheers worthy of any rock star.

Of course, at the fan expo, one could be surrounded by the biggest stars of ... well other stars .. and not even know it. Always treat everyone/thing with respect.

As you'll see in the video, the biggest adventure of the day was getting out of the exhibition building. 80,000 people with the exact same exit strategy .... I really needed an interdimensional portal. But since I don't, I'll my friends and we'll call a cab ..

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