Thursday, June 26, 2008


This is the second version of this post. The first one was a two parter. The first part was a political rant aimed at David Miller, the mayor of my city, and his apparent lack of knowledge around something as trivial as the national gun laws in this country and his insistence that closing legal gun ranges would stop the gun violence here ... But I find political rants boring and mine was no exception.

So I am going to the second part of the original post. This weekend Collette, Miss Hayley and myself are heading up north for a wedding. When we say "up north" we mean the Parry Sound area where Collette's family lives. The wedding is for her nephew Tim and his fiancee Kate. Besides being the aunt and uncle Collette and I will be serving as the A/V tag team; I'm taking the pro video cam and she is bringing her new boyfriend, often referred to as the Nikon D-80. So, there will be a fabulous wedding DVD and some exquisite wedding still pictures ... and we will get to celebrate the marriage of these two and get to hang out with Collette's family.

The wedding is on Sunday but we are sneaking up tomorrow (Friday). Collette is finished teaching for the year and since she is now not teaching summer school (don't ask, it entails a different kind of political rant) we decided to go up early. The wedding is in Parry Sound itself, the town where Collette's dad lives, the place we normally stay. But tomorrow we are heading straight up past Parry Sound to Pointe au Baril and Springhaven Lodge, the business owned and operated by Collette's family. We plan on staying overnight then going to Parry Sound on Saturday.

It has been a while since we've been to lodge, pretty much since Collette's parents moved "into town" (Parry Sound). We love the lodge. Miss Hayley loves the lodge. Springhaven is located on Nares Inlet which, in turn, opens up onto the Georgian Bay, a body of water attached to Lake Huron but in itself, almost as big as Lake Ontario. We are talking around 15,000 square kilometers here. Deep deep, water, wind shaped pine trees, ancient moss coated rocks .... this is a party in Vic and Collette's world.

The lodge features a gentle sand beach leading into some of the cleanest water you will find anywhere; I don't suspect that Miss Hayley will be dry for any long period of time. And I strongly suspect that the next blog I post will have some gorgeous photos compliments of Collette and her new auto focusing boyfriend. And sure, probably some video as well.

So it's a win win kind of weekend; a wedding for people for whom we have a great deal of affection, a gathering of the family, and a day or two at one of our favorite places on the planet. There will be still pics, there will be video and ..oh yeah .. there's gonna be beer. And everything goes better with beer.

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