We tell the stories. The stories tell us.
This is a story. This is a story about a man. This is a story about a woman. This is a story about a man and woman. This is a story about a man and a woman and dog. About a man and a woman and a dog and 1957 Studebaker called Maxie. A man, a woman, a dog, Maxie and an island in the Indian Ocean shaped like a semaphore ..
It's a story
We have to tell the stories. "Oh man, let me tell you what happened at work today"
"Did you hear about the woman with 100 cats and a tub full of leopard frogs?"
"When I was your age I went off to war, I didn't think about fighting or killing, I thought about seeing someplace I had never before seen and I wanted an adventure."
"Tell me about your day, honey."
"Long ago, before anything was written, a man wandered into the desert and there he found an oasis with green grass and blue water and he brought a woman that was the beginning our people."
We tell the stories to illuminate, to entertain, to inform, to confuse, to connect, to separate, to build, to destroy, to keep away the strange forms that are always lurking out there, somewhere at the edge of the darkness.
Listen to a stranger in a bar, pick up a book, watch a show on TV, read something online, find ancient pictures of horses in a cave in France. They're all stories.
The stories are all that we have. The stories are all that we have ever been. Will be. Want to be. Don't ever want to be again.
The stories are about what happened. The stories are about what we want to happen. The stories are about what happened to us, what happened to them, why we are better than them, why we wish we were them.
The stories are told around campfires, in the bowels of massive temples, they are enscribed in pages, they are expressed through millions of dots on a video screen, they are told to us in a darkened room, late at night with rain hissing against the windows and John Coltrane played low on the stereo
We've forgotten more stories than we know.
We know more stories that we can remember.
Most of the stories have been lost. More stories will be created.
There will always be stories. They can't run out
Because they are the stories.
And the stories are us. We are the stories. We tell the stories.
The stories have been told about us telling the stories.
The stories tell us.